GRATIS voorstelling in het kader van World Refugee Day 2017


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Verenigde Staten, 2017 / 72 minuten

Regie: Asher Emmanuel, Vincent Vittorio

Met: Liban Rashid, Adbi Halwo Ali, Abdihalim Mo |

Engels gesproken.


    Woensdag 21 juni / 19.00 uur         TICKETS

    Donderdag 22 juni / 15.00 uur        TICKETS

   Vrijdag 23 juni / 15.00 uur              TICKETS


Within the context of ‘World Refugee Day’ Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland in collaboration with Filmhuis De Spiegel in Heerlen will show the new documentary Warehoused as a benefit screening.

Over 12 million people worldwide live in refugee camps with less than 0.1% resettled, repatriated or integrated into mainstream society each year. The feature-length documentary Warehoused highlights the plight of long-term refugees over the course of history, culminating in today’s refugee crisis. The term ‘warehoused’ refers to asylum seekers, trapped in border camps for five years or more, without the right to work, generate income, move freely or choose their place of residence.

Warehoused sheds light on the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing refugees across the globe through an intimate glimpse into daily life at Dadaab, Kenya — the world’s largest refugee camp.
We see the camp’s inner workings through the refugees’ personal stories, most notably Liban and his perseverance to provide for and reunite with his family.
Featuring commentary by the UN Refugee Agency workers who courageously provide desperately needed aid during the protracted crisis; Warehoused reveals the increasingly vital roles which relief agency organizations, host countries and permanent asylum nations have in the lives of millions of people struggling to find a place they can call home. (

Filmhuis De Spiegel

Schunck 5.0 Bongerd 18

045 577 22 79



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